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Figure 2 | Cell & Chromosome

Figure 2

From: Distinct functions of S. pombeRec12 (Spo11) protein and Rec12-dependent crossover recombination (chiasmata) in meiosis I; and a requirement for Rec12 in meiosis II

Figure 2

Complementation of hyporecombination phenotype of rec12-117 mutants by rec12+ cDNA and overexpression of rec12+ gene. (A) Recombination substrates. Intragenic recombination between the ade6-M26 and ade6-52 alleles was measured. (B) Complementation by rec12+ and full-length rec12+ cDNA. Assays were with rec12-117 strains harboring pREP42 inducible expression vector [32] constructs. Data are mean ± standard deviation from three separate experiments involving crosses of strains WSP1065 × WSP1067; WSP1066 × WSP1068; and WSP1823 × WSP1824. (C) Northern blot analysis of rec12+ gene expression induced from strains harboring low-, middle-, and high-expression versions of pREP vectors. Data were obtained using strains WSP1058; WSP1066; and WSP1074. (D) Effect of rec12+ expression level upon recombination in rec12-117 strain. Recombinant frequency data are the mean ± standard deviation from three separate experiments; expression levels are β-galactosidase levels of similar constructs under non-inducing and inducing conditions [32]. Relative rec12+ expression levels were: pREP2u (u = uninduced; i = induced) < pREP82-rec12+,u < pREP42-rec12+,u < pREP82-rec12+,i < pREP42-rec12+,i < pREP2-rec12+,u < pREP2-rec12+,i. Data were obtained from crosses of strains WSP1073 × WSP1075; WSP1058 × WSP1060; WSP1066 × WSP1068; and WSP1074 × WSP1076.

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